
The way to go before you find your life mission.

Have you ever wondered if you're really here to be born, go to school, get married and work your whole life into retirement? Well, I did. when I was 14 years old I was already asking myself transcendental questions, but I did not receive clear answers, since at that time there was no Internet, nor [...]


How do you raise your energy when you’re feeling a little down?

Surely more than once you've woken up thinking: "Today I feel "down" and I don't know why". We don't have the same mood everyday.  It's totally normal, because we live in a world governed by emotions and that means living them. Do not worry today I bring you 3 tips to raise your energy and [...]


Identifies and changes beliefs easily.

Beliefs are ideas or thoughts that are assumed to be true. These ideas unconsciously program our lives. Often they are phrases we have heard during our childhood, statements created due to a bad experience, socio-cultural thoughts that have been imposed by living in a specific society and even statements from people you consider an authority [...]


Mindfulness: How to connect body and mind?

In Mindfulness there is a process by which the body and the mind are linked. This process is called the "Inquiry Process" and through it, we become aware specifically of our physical sensations, emotions, thoughts and breathing. Thanks to it, apart from being able to link mind and body, we notice how our emotions interact [...]


Drop the control and trust. Connect with your Soul’s Intuition

Lately I've heard a lot of the phrase: Let go of control and trust, but I didn't quite understand what it meant. In my recent experiences, I've realized that it's hard to stay in your own truth. Even many times, we don't even know that there is a truth, that it is aligned with who [...]



After an exhausting end of the year, a lot of professional work and an intense personal work to know myself, to define myself and to look for the way to show the world how I really am, I am very happy to present you my website. It is not just a website, it is a [...]

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